What a great word – a greeting meaning both hello and good-bye! And for us, it was perfectly appropriate. Hawaii was our first stop back in the great old USA and our last stop of what was an incredible adventure.
The trip to get there was our longest. Eleven hours from Auckland to So. Korea where we spent the night at an airport hotel – pretty cool, since we were able to check our luggage all the way through to Hawaii and just take carry on luggage with overnight stuff. The hotel itself was inside security, so it was all very easy. Then next day we flew from Incheon to Tokyo; had a 7 hour layover, and finally boarded our last leg, arriving in Honolulu around noon.
Thank heavens our Marriott room (acquired with points!) was, once again, splendid and better yet, it was ready for us to move right in. We did pop down to the casual restaurant poolside for a sandwich and NOPE! NOT WINE! We had a Mai Tai, just to make us welcome a short nap in the afternoon. Had to rest up for a little swim and a nice dinner later on, don’t ya know! J

We spent the following day doing the exact same thing – breakfast, swim, read, lunch, swim, nap, read, dinner. What a tough day! Since there was no plane, train, boat or camel to catch; nothing we needed to do culturally; nothing to jump off; and nothing to swim WITH; we were 200% lazy.
Next day, different story. The busy people - Wendy, Christien, and Kiernan - arrived and what fun we had with them! Kiernan was excited to see his Gammy and Grance, but even more interested in the fish in the various ponds around the resort.
Next day, different story. The busy people - Wendy, Christien, and Kiernan - arrived and what fun we had with them! Kiernan was excited to see his Gammy and Grance, but even more interested in the fish in the various ponds around the resort.
The pool was fun for him, although he really preferred playing in the sand on our lagoon. His parents were delighted to laze around the resort swimming in the pool or ocean, walking along the beach, and having cold drinks delivered to their lounge chairs.
All that lounging was good for one day. We were all eager to go and discover Oahu the following day. We drove over to the north side of the island where all the big waves are, as well as great big sea turtles. Waves were a bit tame, it seemed, but we enjoyed watching the turtles trying to come inshore to nibble the moss on the rocks, while getting buffeted about by the waves. One came very close to nibbling Wendy’s toes.

That night was the night for ghosts, witches, goblins, and The Cat In The Hat with his Things 1, 2, 3, and 4. Thing 4 was not particularly pleased with his role or his costume, but for the sake of The Cat kept his costume on long enough for the attached photo. While said Cat and other 3 things went trick or treating at participating stores in a shopping mall, however, Thing 4 read the newspaper. Another note on TCITH - in the first couple of stores he was quite shy and had to be prodded with “What do you say?” (and then a very quiet, “Trick or Treat”) and after receiving goodie, the next prod “What do you say?” (very quiet, “Thank you”). By store four, he was racing in with bag open and a very firm “TRICK OR TREAT!” The appropriate “THANK YOU” followed quickly so he could get on with the business of approaching the next store with his request. Chocolate is an incredible motivator!

Next day we took the little tourist train trip through the Dole Plantation and then all moved into Waikiki. Wendy, Christien and Kiernan had a fancy suite at a hotel around the corner from the Hale Koa, a military hotel where we spent our very last night. The Hale Koa was clean and comfortable, with a view of the ocean. (Notice the lack of adjectives like fantastic, spectacular view, sumptuous room, etc.) After some of the “digs” we had had during our adventure, this last night started our return to reality – it kept us humble!
Walking along the beach at Waikiki was wonderful and watching the surfers, silhouetted against the sunset, was soooo romantic – almost magical. And what follows sunset? Dinner and wine, of course! We won’t go into details here, but can say that Wendy thoroughly enjoyed her escargot and steak and even ordered a Tequila Sunrise (“light on the Tequila, please!”).
By the way, speaking as an unbiased Grance, Kiernan is polite and an absolute delight at meals, as he is always. He’s bright, funny, affectionate and a lot of fun to be around. I could put a lot of his cute expressions in here, but will content myself with the one the others found, inexplicably, the funniest: earlier in the day when Kiernan was visiting our room, I came out of the shower and was drying my hair. He looked me over and then asked, “Grance, where did your hair go?” Now that I think about it, it wasn’t really that funny at all.
On our final day, we went to Hanauma Bay for some snorkeling - a wonderful recommedation from our son Thorsten, who had been stationed there while in the Coast Guard. What a beautiful setting and what a wonderful experience. It was the 1st time for both Wendy and Christien and they took to it swimmingly (sorry). Wendy’s enthusiasm particularly was so infectious. She actually saw some fish which she could identify and described each one in detail. We really enjoyed our time with the kids and are delighted that they chose to meet us there. It was a well earned vacation for them and they stayed a few days after we left. We REALLY need to work on getting all kids and all grandkids together for this kind of fun, and we will!
Our flight out wasn’t until 9PM, so we decided to go to the Royal Hawaiian Hotel for “heavy pu-pu” and drinks beforehand. We had been there (separately) in the ‘60’s, and were curious how this old dowager had stood the ravages of time. It’s still pink and now almost dwarfed by the surrounding high rise hotels fighting for space on the shoreline. The ambience is still first class, however; the food, the service, and the view magical as we said before. There was also a Hawaiian singer and hula dancer - well, two hula dancers – the pretty lady in the pretty dress and Kiernan, the little boy waving his arms and wiggling his little bum. We watched, enjoyed, and knocked back the best Mai Tai’s on the Island!
The perfect ending to the perfect trip. ALOHA!!

Our flight out wasn’t until 9PM, so we decided to go to the Royal Hawaiian Hotel for “heavy pu-pu” and drinks beforehand. We had been there (separately) in the ‘60’s, and were curious how this old dowager had stood the ravages of time. It’s still pink and now almost dwarfed by the surrounding high rise hotels fighting for space on the shoreline. The ambience is still first class, however; the food, the service, and the view magical as we said before. There was also a Hawaiian singer and hula dancer - well, two hula dancers – the pretty lady in the pretty dress and Kiernan, the little boy waving his arms and wiggling his little bum. We watched, enjoyed, and knocked back the best Mai Tai’s on the Island!
The perfect ending to the perfect trip. ALOHA!!

This particular blog needs a P.S. The adventure was over, but the joy of being back home with friends was beginning all over again. Our dear friends and neighbors, Angie and Ray, who had watched over our house all those three months, met us at the airport with champagne and flute glasses, so we toasted our trip and the future right there in the parking lot. LIFE IS GOOD!!!!!!!