Our Friends in front of their house
Theo and Ami, with the Desert Fox's Baton
How could we finish our news from Switzerland without telling of our last day there – a very special day with Annemarie and Fred Aeberhardt, our friends who own a farm on the northern border of Switzerland with Germany, not far from the Rhine. These dear friends plied us with wine and a delicious meal of Coq au Vin – and we brought them our laundry to wash! The chicken had been marinated in wine, herbs and vegetables for 24 hours, and was absolutely delicious.
The farm, named Morgensonne (morning sun), has been in Annemarie’s family for over 400 years. It’s now being run by their son and will eventually go to the little guy in this photo with the cows. Training starts early in a family of farmers! The accompanying wine - and schnapps following our lunch - came from their vineyards, complete with their own house label.
Wishing to entertain us even more grandly, they also invited their friend Theo who collects weapons and offered to show them to us after the feast. Theo started collecting when he was 7 and is now well into his 80’s. His collection is simply unbelievable. It would take too long to describe all the amazing pieces he had, all in working condition, so I’ll just mention two parts: an actual full breast plate and helmet from Napoleon’s Imperial Guard and 6 Nazi Marshalls’ Batons, including the one from Rommel I’m shown holding. I’ve never seen such a collection, especially in private hands, and could have stayed there for hours. He offered to take a picture of me wearing a Nazi cap, but that’s not for me.
Theo and Ami, with the Desert Fox's Baton
Nicht Schlecht!
Since we had an early departure from Zurich the next day, we had to finally take our leave. Switzerland is SO VERY expensive that you can imagine how pleased we were to stay on the top floor of the Marriott in Zurich (view from room included) COMPLIMENTS OF MARRIOTT POINTS! In Europe they frequently post the price of the room on the door and this one read the equivalent of $850 per night. Should have stayed longer!
But, as we now write, we are in flight to Cape Town, a 10 ½ hour flight, settling in to a Bloody Mary and deciding what to order for lunch. Hopefully, we’re not becoming boorish, but this adventure is so cool!!! (Actually, Susan is having the Bloody Mary, and Rance is sipping on some 12 year old Highland Park, and will switch to Armanac after the meal.) Life is good!
I am so jealous! Not of the cows, weapons or alcohol but definitely of the visit to Switzerland overall!! Love and miss you both, Wink
If you are boorish, I don't mind. I love hearing these stories. You are the most lovable snob on the planet-- and have worked HARD and sacrificed MUCH. To be able to indulge yourself with the finer things in life is EXACTLY what we should all hope to be able to do someday. I REALLY liked that picture of the Eberhardts in front of "Morgensonne". What a magical place and what kind friends they are to always be so good to you two. How did you meet them again?
By the way, "Doctor Dictionary" tells me you are not boorish at all-- you are a ROUE!!! :)Go rou, baby...go rou. :)
I'm trying again - got my password and I'm stickin to it! Love every minute of your journals and have shared with some of the Baja Safari girls. Hope you don't mind. I feel like we're right there with you! Love the photos - fabulous! Thanks, Joan
Hi Amy, Hi Wendy!
We have stayed in touch with the Aeberharts over the years, and cherish them dearly - Fred's health is not that great, but he never complains and clearly enjoyed our making the trip to see him - he really laughed when we reminded him of Amy's reaction to Blutwurst!
Hi Rance and Susan! Ho Hum! You are eating delicious food and drinking expensive bottles of wine and I am delighted for you. Love all your pictures, descriptions, and enthusiasm. I've been absolutely swapmed getting ready for my trip in 2 weeks so have been slow in getting to read your sits. So, catching up today. How fun to accompany you in your travels through pictues. Thank you for sharing.Stay Well and Have fun
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