Saturday, September 22, 2007

More safari pictures

Bored water buffalo and lazy lioness

Like I need another vice!

Our magical deck where we had our "anniversary" dinner
Giraffe we saw on the way in to camp

Staff dancing to greet us
After just posting our blog we reviewed other pictures and thought “how can we NOT send that one….and that one…. And that one…., etc.?
So here are just a few more to help explain our enthusiasm for our safari – to include a photo of the dancers, our private patio, and one of us sharing a hookah with two of our new best friends. Great times! Great times!


Joan said...

Happy Anniversary!! I love being on your trip with you! Fabulous dialogue and fabulous pictures. Keep 'em coming! I love them!! Thank you, thank you. Love, Joan

JoAnne said...

Here, here! (hear? hear?) Happy anniversary. What do you think you'll do next year? Des Moines?

By the way, your captions were pretty funny, especially when read out of order. I thought "Like I need another vice" was referring to the beasts at the top. I was intrigued by imagining what vices you were talking about- chewing cud? Sleeping 14 hours a day?

Then I saw the hookah. Wish I could have heard the words that went with Susan's expression!

Love you,

Unknown said...

Fantastic Kemosabe! You are right, I've put this preserve down as one I must see. I only hope I can afford it. Angie said "Maybe they got their airfare free but I'll bet the rest of the stuff they're doing will end up being 2 to 3 times as much! (Always the pragmatic one)

Grance said...

OK, so it was a rhino, not a baby hippo - big deal - one super large animal is much like another one - judging from some of the comments I got you'd think the readers were a bunch of zoologists! But we did see both....